The Nascent Developer
I'm passionate about web design! A web site should convey information: products, skills, ideas, knowledge. It should do so with efficiency and simplicity, and be engaging. Too much of the web fails at this, and I'm eager to change that, one site at a time!
As a Full Stack Developer, I am fluent with developing the interfaces necessary to consume information, but also familiar with the behind-the-scenes processes that manage requests for information and how the user interface is stored and managed on a server.
In addition to a Mechanical Engineering degree from my previous career, I've completed a Full Stack Web Developer learning path at, in addition to numerous other courses on a variety of topics. These include:
As you will see from the Web Portfolio page, I have a number of projects under my belt, and as a result, have developed some client philosophies and build methodologies that I follow to keep focused on the goals of each site.
keep at it
not bad
you should bow
Skill assessment is in the eyes of the beholder. One persons expert is anothers novice. My problem solving and communication skills have been honed from my previous career, and they apply here as well. The technical pieces will forever be under development.
Triggering content
I shamelessly stole the idea for this graph from a mentor of mine at I really liked the way the graph immediately conveys meaning with motion. Although the idea was plagiarized, I am proud to say that the code is my own. Interestingly, the actual calculations for determining when to trigger a visible element are remarkably similar in all the code snippets I came across.